Conrad Hindman's Art

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I started out with using 2D software like MS paint and swanky paint


I used swanky paint to make the art for the game MICEIS which is about mice attack rats and escaping a Cat within a family home

Below is the picture of the team for the first game project I had with this school.

We had about three weeks for the game to be made. There was bugs and missing art due to a lack of a pipeline.


After the end of that semester, I entered the 3d animation class and worked with program called 3ds max.

We learned how to animate, use uvwrap, and texturing.

In the final semester I am using blender to create the assets for our capstone project. I am the art lead and I have a team size of 3 people working with me to create assets.

I am also testing motion capture for the first time. The image below is the rig for the mocap, even though it looks nothing like a person it is because when walking up to shutdown the camera it warp
